Sunday, August 30, 2009


(cat) Aquest són dos regals que he fet, la bicicleta és per uns amics que han tingut bessons i ell és un gran aficionat a aquest esport, i l'altre un collaret amb un rellotge que he fet per l'aniversari de la meva germana. Tots dos van agradar molt.
(eng) These are two gifts that I made, the bike is for friends who have had twins and he is very fan of this sport, and the other a necklace with a clock that I made for my sister's birthday. They liked both gifts very much.


(cat) Avui he vist en la pàgina Foundhandmade han posat la fotografia del conill de feltre que vaig fer. M'ha fet molta il.lusió, i moltissimes gràcies!!!
(eng) I have seen that the webpage Foundhandmade have put the picture of the felt rabbit that I made. I was so excited and thank u very much !!