(cat) Hola, em dic Míriam. En aquest blog , us ensenyaré les coses que faig, a veure si us agraden. M’agraden tot tipus de treballs i tècniques fent servir les mans. He fet cursos de joieria, paper-mache, ceràmica, amigurumi, i l'últim que he fet és de feltre, que és el que més m'agrada, tant l'industrial com el que utiliza la tècnica de punxar en sec. Doncs, ja aniré posant fotos, i espero que us agradin, tant com a mi fer-les.
(eng) Hi, my name is Miriam. In this blog, I will show you the works that I created, I hope that you like them. I love all types of work and techniques using the hands. I have done courses in jewelry, paper-mache, ceramics, amigurumi, and the last thing I have done is felt, which is what I like most, both the industrial technique as the slip dry one. Well, I will select some pictures of my works, and I hope that you like it.